
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2019


GREETINGS AND FAREWELLS OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to say hello, say goodbye, and introduce himself/herself by means of short dialogues. WARM UP Organize the letters and write the words Y S D A  _________________________ O G O D _________________________ G T N I H ________________________ O E L H L ________________________ A E M N  _________________________ N N O A O R F E T  ________________ E B Y ____________________________ O O O W T R M R __________________ N E N E G I V _____________________ R E A L T _________________________ GRAMMAR Greetings  (saludos) Good morning.  - Buenos días. Good afternoon . - Buenas tardes. Good evening.  - Buenas noches. Hello.  (más formal),  Hi . (menos formal),  Hey.  (muy informal) - Hola. Hey!  - ¡Oye!/¡Oiga!/¡Oigan!/¡Oíd! (aquí no es saludo sino una forma de atraer la atención de alguien) How's it going?  - ¿Qué tal?/¿Cómo te va? (o más informalm


THE ALPHABET OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to spell and write in correct way different words. WARM UP Complete the chart with the appropriate words . ANIMAL FRUIT COLOR OBJECT Write sentences with the previous words. GRAMMAR ALPHABET             The alphabet is the set of 26 letters (from A to Z) that we use to represent English  in writing : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z It is very important to understand that the  letters of the alphabet  do NOT always represent the same  sounds  of English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKF4-Dqvl-g ACTIVITIES LISTENING Listen to the teacher and write the words Listen the audio and write t