
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019


SUPERLATIVES OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, ninth grade students will be able to make comparisons and express superiority among people, animals, and places in written and oral way. WARM - UP                  GRAMMAR                                                                                Barranquilla is the most popular city of Colombia                                 It is the most cheerful city of this country.                             Near Barranquilla, it is the best stadium of Colombia Retrieved from  https://www.englishclub.com/grammar/adjectives-superlative.htm As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a  superlative adjective : short  adjectives: add  "-est" long  adjectives: use  "most" We also usually add 'the' at the beginning. Short adjectives 1-syllable adjectives old, fast 2-syllable adjectives ending in -y happy, easy, messy RULE:  add "-est"


PRESENT CONTINUOUS OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to talk about family relationship and express what people are doing at the moment of speaking GRAMMAR                                                                                                                                                       They  are playing  soccer                            AFFIRMATIVE                                                                  NEGATIVE                 I am working                                                                   I am not working                                      You are working                                                             You are not working                              She is working                                                                She is not working                                  He is working                                                                  He is not worki


PREPOSITION OF PLACES OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be ablle to locate palces in the space in oral and written way. GRAMMAR                   A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer to a place where something or someone is located. IN ( en / dentro de ) The clock is  in  the box. El reloj está  dentro de  la caja. ON ( sobre / encima de ) The kid is  on  the whale. El niño está  encima de  la ballena. UNDER  (debajo de / bajo ) The baby's dummy is  under  the table. El chupete del bebé está  bajo/debajo   de  la mesa. NEXT TO ( al lado de ) The cinema is  next to  the restaurant. El cine está  al lado del  restaurante. IN FRONT OF ( delante de ) The girl is  in front of  the sheep. La chica está  delante de  las ovejas. BEHIND ( detrás de ) The boy is  behind  the curtains. El chico está  detrás de  las cortinas. BETWEEN ( entre dos cosas ) My car is  betwee


POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES OBJECTIVE By the end of the lesson, students should be able to provide information about their families I oral way by means of creation of videos. GRAMMAR FAMILY MEMBERS         Father -  dad                                     Uncle  Aunt                                                  Grandchild Cousin                                              Husband Nephew                                                Father-in-law                                                         Mother-in-law                                    Niece  Son-in-law                                         Boyfriend  Daughter-in-law                                Girlfriend  Brother-in-law                                   Bride  Sister-in-law                                      Groom Godfather                                          Wife Godmother                                        Mother – mum – mummy - mom     Godson