By the end of the lesson, ninth grade students will be able to make comparisons and express superiority among people, animals, and places in written and oral way.



Image result for IMAGENES DE BARRANQUILLA         Image result for images of barranquilla

                                      Image result for images of barranquilla

                              Barranquilla is the most popular city of Colombia
                                It is the most cheerful city of this country.
                            Near Barranquilla, it is the best stadium of Colombia

As with comparative adjectives, there are two ways to form a superlative adjective:
  • short adjectives: add "-est"
  • long adjectives: use "most"
We also usually add 'the' at the beginning.
Short adjectives
1-syllable adjectivesold, fast
2-syllable adjectives ending in -yhappy, easy, messy
RULE: add "-est"old → the oldest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -e, just add -stlate → the latest
Variation: if the adjective ends in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the last consonantbig → the biggest
Variation: if the adjective ends in -y, change the y to ihappy → the happiest
messy --  the messiest
Long adjectives
2-syllable adjectives not ending in -ymodern, pleasant
all adjectives of 3 or more syllablesexpensive, intellectual
RULE: use "most"modern → the most modern
expensive → the most expensive
With some 2-syllable adjectives, we can use "-est" OR "most":

quiet → the quietest/most quiet
clever → the cleverest/most clever
narrow → the narrowest/most narrow
simple → the simplest/most simple
Exception: The following adjectives have irregular forms:
  • good → the best
  • bad → the worst
  • far → the farthest/furthest

Use of Superlative Adjectives

We use a superlative adjective to describe one thing in a group of three or more things. Look at these examples:
  • John is 1m75. David is 1m80. Chris is 1m85. Chris is the tallest.
  • Canada, China and Russia are big countries. But Russia is the biggest.
  • Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

Page 126 - 127


The Rodriguez Brothers Circus is in town! Every year, the circus arrives and stays for a week. Then they go to the next town.
There are not many animals in the circus. People told the circus that they didn't like seeing animals performing. There is an elephant called Jacob and two old lions, Hattie and Meg.
Most of the performers are human! There is Leopold, The Strongest Man In The World. His father also worked in the circus, but Leopold is stronger than him, he has bigger arms and bigger legs too! Leopold performs his act every night for the town's people who come to watch.
Another performer is Clara. She says she has the longest hair in the world. It's about 4 metres long! She also has a daughter who works in the circus. Her name is Sue-Ellen. Her hair is a lot shorter, but she wants to grow it as long as her mother's. Sue-Ellen helps look after the animals and she's also learning how to juggle.
The highlight of the circus are the three clowns, Pit, Pot and Pat. They all wear long red shoes, but Pat's shoes are the longest and sometimes, he falls over because they're so long! They perform for about twenty minutes and they are always the most popular act with the audience, especially the children. Many people think Pit, Pot and Pat are three brothers, but Pat is older than the other two - he's their father! He's the oldest clown in the country, but he has a lot of energy.
Tomorrow will be the longest day because the circus is leaving town and everything must be packed away into big trucks.


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